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We are looking to start a book club at Bespoke Events! Would love your feedback as we determine how the club will work.

How frequently would you like to meet?
Once a month
Once every six weeks
Every other month
Would you prefer snacks and beverages to be included in the session fee?
Yes, snacks and drinks are a must
I’d prefer a lower price and bring my own food/drinks
Either way works for me
Would you want the book to be included in a membership package?
Yes, I’d love to get the book through the club
No, I’ll get the book on my own
I am open to either
What price point feels reasonable for each session (including snacks and non-alcoholic drinks, no book)?
What is the ideal maximum group size for the book club?
15-20 people (small and intimate)
25-30 people (a medium-sized group)
30+ people (the more, the merrier!)
What day would be ideal for the book club meetings (select all that apply)?
What time would you prefer (select all that apply)?
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